Children who are involved in creative activities are 8x more likely to receive a patent or start a business. Creativity can develop imagination, problem solving and critical thinking skills needed for future success.
Creativity is now recognized as the single most important ingredient in any modern economy.
On average, "students who study the arts for 4 years in high school score 98 points higher on the SATs compared to those who study the same for half a year or less."
Are People Who Make Sea Monsters More Likely to Succeed?
1,500 CEOs surveyed by IBM think so! They ranked creativity as the #1 leadership trait required for future success.
A major study conducted by IBM of more than 1,500 Chief Executive Officers across 60 countries and 33 industries revealed creativity as the "most crucial factor for future success."
Chief Executives believe that -- more than rigor, management discipline, integrity or even vision -- successfully navigating an increasing complex world will require creativity. (Source: IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: Creativity Selected as Most Crucial Factor for Future Success).
The Connection Between Creativity & Solving the World's Challenges
The connection between creativity and solving the world's challenges is the primary subject of Walter Isaacson's Why innovation needs both art and science article on the World Economic Forum website: "The most creative innovations of the digital age came from those who were able to connect the arts and sciences. Like many aspects of the digital age, this idea that innovation resides where art and science connect is not new.
Leonardo da Vinci was the exemplar, and his drawing of the Vitruvian Man became the symbol of the creativity that flourishes when humanities and science come together." (Source: WEF Website).
Creativity Counts ®
Never before has the need for creativity been more recognized and requested by educators and parents than right now. Many express concerns that the emphasis on digital experience needs to be balanced with more hands-on, tactile creative experiences that involve all the senses. Through the development of 21st Century skills, or the 4Cs of Creative Thinking, Collaborations, Communication and Creativity, school systems are integrating methods to balance hands-on and digital experiences.
According to a poll from Harris Interactive for Creativity for Kids, 94% of Americans say it is important for kids to have creative experiences. Additional research studies find the arts are vital to providing a well-rounded education and a healthy childhood. Furthermore, children who are involved in creative activities are 8x more likely to receive a patent or start a business, (according to a study from Michigan State University, Economic Development Quarterly).
Our company has been in the forefront of the movement to elevate awareness and importance of creativity. Not only is our portfolio of products uniquely designed to provide a lifetime of creative experiences, but we also participate and support worldwide efforts to influence thought leaders and decision makers who, in turn, help change the educational paradigm. The message Creativity for Kids began with in 1976 still resonates - Creativity Counts!
This passion for creativity forms the basis for the development of our products. We start with an idea, and develop it further from a child's perspective - how will they use the product to discover their ability to create, problem-solve, develop new skills and feel the joy that comes from creative expression?
When a child opens any one of our Creativity for Kids, Playing & Learning and CRAFTIVITY products they are able to tap into their senses. The result is increased motivation, concentration, innovation and a sense of personal satisfaction that boosts self-confidence. Many of our products incorporate the senses of Touch, Taste/Smell, Sight, Hearing and Emotion in playful and creative ways that carry out our mission to "provide children with experiences that stimulate and encourage their natural creativity."